A long overdue shake up of the storage shed at the Brook was achieved today. The recent break in last Tuesday made the task imperative anyway, so that we could make the building more secure. The fitting of the new galvanised corrugated sheeting was taken on by a very able team led by Roddy Jackman. There were 'feathers' flying. I saw Don McLeod, Geoff Rainbow, Andrew Wardrop, and others lending a hand. I was held up in traffic and arrived 5 past 9.00am, however already the keen members had removed all stuff out of the shed and began to sort all. John Gard, John Banks, were two of the early shift, and I bet Andrew Wardrop was there too. Peter Sylvester is to be thanked for bringing his tandem trailer for us to load all the rubbish into. Once that trailer was full he headed to the refuse centre with Dennis Lees to tip the lot, and Peter said on the scales there was 300kg of rubbish! Thanks again for Peter taking the second load to the tip after we all called it a day, with another 160 kg to shift from his trailer onto the tip . Greatly appreciated by us all Peter. The broom brigade helped by shovelers got stuck in and cleared the whole area of one or two wheel barrows of dirt and leaf litter. Rob Gavin, John Smith, Wayne Turner, Phil Turnbull were giving lots of instructions and help to that end. David Murfet provided a perfect pinch bar to lever the old trunk from the dynabolts holding it down, and my sledge hammer did the rest. Wayne Behrens with Geoff Mathews's help sorted the reorganising of where the equipment and trailers would be stored. The arrangement is this: the boat trailer fits as per the photo, that is on the right hand side. the new trunk for the electric motors is placed to the rear of the boat trailer now. This means quick and easy access to both boat and trunk. The BBQ trailer now sits next to the fork lift. As this trailer has less regular use that the boat one, it is obvious how much better the new arrangement will be in the future. We have discovered that the thieves have stolen our first aid kit, the fire extinguisher, the 4.5kg gas bottle with burner ring, and two 9 kg gas bottles. The team worked so efficiently the task was all but complete by 11.40am, when Jammy rang the dinner bell. Many thanks to David 'Jammy' Jones and his right hand Lyn for putting on a great BBQ. Well done both. Les Hanson called in after a commitment elsewhere to lend a hand. All in all there were eighteen in the crew plus Lyn keeping Jammy in control. You should all be proud of what was achieved today. Thank you all for all your efforts and support. Best, Ray. "There are few, if any, forces in human nature more powerful than a shared vision".
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